Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Holy Hallucinations, Batman!

Since I was a kid, I have always had weird, offbeat, and very vivid dreams. I start dreaming as soon as my eyes close (literally), often remember much of my dreams, have lots of nightmares, and fear that if I could actually camcord all the dreams I have and show them to a shrink, I would be very likely be permanently locked away someplace where they would only give me plastic sporks to eat with and lots of long cold baths. Sometimes, my dreams are really, really funny, and I actually wake up laughing. Yesterday was one of those times.

The hubs was a hardcore Batman fan as a kid, and day before yesterday, they showed the original Batman movie on tv, circa 1968 or so, so he insisted we watch it so he could stroll down memory lane, tell me cute stories about his mom making him a bat-cape out of a towel and him running around the house having little bat-fantasies, point out all thevarious bat-vehicles he had models of, and so on. After about an hour or so of enjoying his "cuteness", and being amused by the high camp of the movie itself, I nodded off. Later that night, we watched Clean House, which I think we mostly watch to remind us that we never want our new house to get like the homes that are featured on that show, which our previous residence, which I lovingly refer to as "Casa Hell", was dangerously close to being. So far, we are doing pretty well.  That was a dark period, one I don't look back on fondly. Let's leave it at this: after four years of depression, bad health problems, some pretty heinous real life crap, and a truly shitty mold-infested rental house, all ganging up on me, I now have an appreciation for how hoarders are born and a sympathy for them I might not have had otherwise, and will always feel like I dodged a bullet, getting out of there and starting over when we bought this house. Never again, I chant doggedly as I ruthlessly throw shit out and attempt to keep this place at least passably clean.

So. Anyway. I took my afternoon siesta yesterday, and had this dream. (This now seems like an overly long build-up now for a relatively short punch line, but hopefully you will find it at least a little amusing.) It seems Batman - and this was geeky Adam West Batman, not the dishy, debonair Michael Keaton or Christian Bale version - had become hopelessly overwhelmed with all his bat-phenalia, and was having a huge yard sale in front of the Wayne mansion, yard sale signs all over the place, and big tables everywhere laden with all his assorted bat gear - assorted used laboratory equipment, items from his bat belt (which seem to be ever-changing and never-ending, so I can see how they would accumulate), excess vehicles - bat copters, bat boats, bat cycles, etc., and so on. It was a  regular Batman-Clean House yard sale extravaganza. I woke up laughing my ass off. 

I definitely need to watch less television... I think it really messing up my mind.